Thursday, August 15, 2013


"You shall have no other gods before me." -Deuteronomy 5:7

Today we don't have to worry about worshipping golden calves or Zeus and the other Greek gods. In our everyday life we don't have these religious fanatics who take things to extremes. Painting bodies. Wearing ridiculous costumes. Chanting and dancing for their idols. Even building large temples to worship their idols in. We don't have to worry about this… or do we? If you turn your TV on to any sports channel, is that not what you are watching? We get all dressed up, we put on face paint and start chants. We host tailgate parties and after game parties. I'm not saying watching football is wrong at all, but it can be if you let it get to the point of becoming a god. A god is what we sacrifice for and what we pursue. In our culture we have turned things like football games and cellphones into gods. No longer do we worship the true and living God alone, but also the god of food, the god of sex, the god of entertainment, the god of money, the god of success, and the god of achievement. The largest "god" that we worship is ourselves. We are so caught up on how things can make us more popular or how we can grab the spotlight that often we throw God out the window until we need something from Him again. When we have to choose between God and something we want, who do we choose? So if you start scratching at whatever struggle you're dealing with, eventually you'll find that underneath it is a false god. Until that god is dethroned, and the Lord God takes his rightful place, you will not have victory.

What gods are you worshipping?