Friday, July 20, 2012

He prayed for us.

The scene was the upper room. Jesus was spending His final night with His beloved apostles. He knew that His ministry was quickly coming to an end and that He soon would be taken, unjustly judged, crucified, buried, raised from the dead and returned to heaven, leaving His precious apostles behind. Before He left, what should He say to them, what should He teach them, and of what should He warn them?

In John 13-16, you can see that He spoke to them about having confident faith, trusting in Him and God, loving one another, and serving others. He assured them that they would not be alone for He would send another comforter, the Holy Spirit; and they could ask for and receive whatever they needed. He also reassured them that He would come back, but first he must prepare a place for them.

After Jesus had shared with His disciples these final words of encouragement, warning and assurance, He looked toward heaven and prayed. In this dynamic prayer (John 17), He prayed for Himself, His apostles, and the disciples yet to be taught and converted. But, have you notice where He was when He prayed? He was still in the upper room in the presence of His apostles. He was in their midst praying for them. That’s how John is able to record this spectacular prayer. He was an eyewitness, or you may say an “earwitness.”

Can you imagine Jesus right beside you praying for you – The Son of God, speaking to His Heavenly Father in your behalf; Your Master beseeching the Almighty God for your benefit? What a touching and powerful thought. As you listen to His prayer, what would that mean to you? Would you not be thinking, “He really knows who I am. He cares about me. He loves me enough to pray for me. He knows what I’m facing. He knows my circumstances. He wants me (yes, me) to be one with Him in heaven.”

Well, remember, even though we were not present in the upper room on that dark night, Jesus also prayed for us. He prayed for His twenty-first century disciples, as well as His first century apostles. And, His prayer for us should open our eyes to the fact that He loves us, He knows what we are facing and He wants us to be one with Him and the Father in heaven forever.

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