Friday, July 19, 2013

To be with God

At times like these, my heart longs to be with God. I don't want the pain and suffering that is here in this world. I don't like seeing my friends living with pain and going down paths that they think will take away the pain, I wish I had the ability to heal them, to help them. Sometimes there is no words that can help, no actions that you could do that would benefit them. But also at times like these, I remember who has that ability; The ability to save, redeem and forgive. I look towards Christ for comfort, knowing that he too suffered in this world, not because he had to, but because He wanted to. Because He loved us. Because He loved you. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own burdens that weigh us down, that we forget the One who can lift us up and carry us through it all. Sometimes we forget that the only person we truly need on this Earth is Christ. We keep searching to fill the void in our lives with friends, addictions or relationships, but for some reason that never fills the hole. Thankfully we serve a wonderful, magnificent loving and forgiving God. A God who doesn't keep a list of things you have done wrong in the past. A God who will welcome you into his arms when you come running back. Every once in a while we get broken down so we can realize who the one is that lifts us up. At times like these I want to come home, but I know I have a job to do here on earth. In the mean time of this Human Experience, I will have to try my best in bringing others to Christ and comfort those that are hurting.

"I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account." - Philippians 1:23-24 ESV

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